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In the midst of a cost of living crisis Bryson Recycling have made a pay offer that does not come close to the rate of inflation.

Thousands of UNISON nursing staff will commence industrial action short of strike on Monday December 5th next. They will join thousands of other UNISON members of the direct workforce in all Health Trusts and arms length bodies in industrial action short of strike.

UNISON Northern Ireland has announced that thousands of its members have voted to strike and take action short of strike.

Responding to the mandate delivered  BY UNISON members 

Anne Speed Head of Bargaining and Representation said:

" Of the thousands who voted over the last 3 weeks more than 97% have voted to take strike action and action short of strike. Our Health Industrial Action Committee have met and are making plans to implement this mandate from early December

The deeply worrying developments at two major Trusts over the last weekend has thrown into sharp focus the reality for nursing and healthcare staff.  Our members are struggling to cope on two fronts and overwhelming pressure in the workplace and the impact of the cost of Living.  They are living the reality of the frontline and the breadline.

A pay increase from April 2022

Final agreement has been reached on rates of pay applicable under NJC from 1 April 2022. The new pay rates for Education workers on a 36 hour week will be provided by the EA and UNISON will publish all details for our members .

The new rates for allowances, uprated by 4.04%, will also be included.

The NJC has agreed that from 1 April 2023, Spinal Column Point (SCP) 1 will be permanently deleted from the NJC pay spine. 

Annual Leave

UNISON, the largest union in the health and social services system in Northern Ireland, has today (27th October) launched an industrial action ballot across our membership.

The ballot has been prompted following a recommendation from the Pay Review Body, which is insufficient to cover the needs of health workers who have been at the frontline of the Covid pandemic and are now facing a cost of living crisis.  To compound the problem, the Westminster Government has not made additional funds available to the health service in Northern Ireland.

UNISON, the largest trade union for health care workers in Northern Ireland is calling on Health Minister, Robin Swann, to secure the necessary resources for alternative treatments and care in the community given his intention to close Muckamore Abbey Hospital.

The UNISON reps from the three branches in the Southern Trust, Craigavon, Orchard and Newry & Mourne, have, after lengthy negotiations with the Trust, succeeded in moving over 200 of our members from agency employment to Trust contracts. The process has begun with support services across the Trust and once that is complete, will move on to admin staff.

UNISON Northern Ireland welcomes the policy statement from the Health Minister. It represents some progress following on the commitment to reduce the exorbitant costs of agency use. This was secured by UNISON and other unions as part of the settlement of the last health workers pay dispute.

Covid interrupted and delayed attempts to tackle the issue.

UNISON’s consultation of members on the NJC pay offer for 2022 for England, Wales and Northern Ireland closed last week. UNISON’s NJC Committee met on Monday 26 September to receive the results of the consultation.

UNISON members have voted to accept the pay offer, with 63.5% voting to accept and 36.5% voting to reject.
