UNISON Northern Ireland

Health & Safety: Covid-19 - What you need to know

As the lockdown restrictions continue to be relaxed in different ways in Northern Ireland, UNISON has rounded up the essential Health & Safety information our members and activists need to know. At the bottom of the page you will find links to sector specific Health and Safety guidance for return to work.
If you have concerns about what is happening in your workplace or would like to become a health & safety rep, please contact your branch. You can find branch details here.

Promoting safe work during Coronavirus - A guide for UNISON members

Promoting safe work during Coronavirus - A guide for UNISON branches

How to work safely – leaflet for members

Are you at risk? Health and safety poster

Are you at risk? Risk assessment leaflet for members

Bargaining for workplace practices during the easing of the lockdown

COVID-19 risk assessment checklist for safety reps

Social distancing and hygiene in the workplace

Coronavirus guidance for health and safety reps

Returning to Work Safely Presentation


Health and safety guidance by sector


Interested in becoming a Health & Safety rep?

Become a safety rep