Over the past 15 years UNISON has initiated a series of unique Collaborative Partnerships with health employers in Northern Ireland on a wide range of projects producing real outcomes on improved care and satisfaction for patients, clients, health and social care workers alike.
In October 2015 we showcased this work in a publication in a major international conference held in Belfast. At the conference senior health employers, UNISON reps and other public service/community sector participants explored the future development of these unique models at a time when critical change is needed.
UNISON partnerships:
Completed projects
- Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children - Better Ways of Working Partnership
- NI Care Home Partnership Together We Can
- Belfast Trust Infection Control Partnership
- RJMS Health & Wellbeing Partnership
Ongoing projects
- West Belfast & Greater Shankill Health Employment Partnership
- Western Area Care Homes Partnership
- UNISON / Southern HSC Trust Laundry Partnership
- UNISON Homecare Partnerships with the South Eastern HSC Trust, Northern HSC Trust, and Belfast HSC Trust
- South Eastern Trust Support Services Partnership
- Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Partnership
Rosemount House
Former UNISON President Margaret McKee chose Rosemount House as her presidential project for 2017 – 2018.
Rosemount House is a residential home setup for homeless men, suffering with alcohol addiction, drug addiction and mental health problems. Their unique approach provides a long-term rehabilitation programme for residents.
Watch the film and find out why Rosemount House is so close to Margaret’s heart.