The deeply worrying developments at two major Trusts over the last weekend has thrown into sharp focus the reality for nursing and healthcare staff. Our members are struggling to cope on two fronts and overwhelming pressure in the workplace and the impact of the cost of Living. They are living the reality of the frontline and the breadline.
Patients and health service users are equally deeply worried about the diminishing capacity of the HSC to respond to the health needs of the people. Without an Executive and Health Minister to make decisions the crisis will continue and the mechanisms to move out of that crisis will remain unavailable. These are funding issues for the public health services and stabilisation of the workforce most especially in nursing.
UNISON's thousands of members are now reacting to the complete absence of a pay uplift. This is completely unacceptable and unsustainable. They now have the opportunity to stand up and speak out in a ballot on industrial which closes on Friday November 18th. We are in no doubt that they will do so in their thousands.
We are equally in no doubt that our substantial nursing family membership will step out along with their health service colleagues to deliver the message enough is enough.
We can expect disruption across the whole health service from early next month.