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UNISON  Lead Negotiator  in the  Northern Ireland  Health service  responding to the public announcement of a pay deal for NHS workers in England will seek to ensure full funding will be available to ensure our workers have the full benefit of the deal applied to them.

We will be meeting other unions, the Department of Health and employers to advance this.

The pay deficit already suffered by health workers in Northern Ireland must be ended. 


Past, Present, Future: Women on the Offensive! In celebration of International Women's Day 2018

Thursday 8th March 2018, 6pm-9pm, UNISON Galway House Belfast.


From the first women trade union organisers to today’s women activists, the battle for women’s rights at work, in their unions and in society, continues.

The Communication Workers Union has launched a campaign to support Manpower agency staff working on the BT contract to earn the real living wage. UNISON NI are showing their support by urging our members to sign the petition here 

To find out more about the campaign go to 


Join the UNISON lottery – win cash prizes AND support our charity, There for You

The new UNISON Lottery has arrived. Relaunched on 1 February, all members can enter the monthly draw for as little as £1 a month and be in with the chance of winning prizes up to £1,000.

It’s also a powerful way to support There for You, the charity for UNISON members.

Every year, more than 3,000 members and their families come to There for You for help – often in desperation, with difficulties in their personal lives.

UNISON president Margaret McKee works at the Royal Victoria hospital in Belfast

UNISON president and hospital catering assistant Margaret McKee gives a rousing speech at the union’s women’s conference in Liverpool.

Ms Mckee works at the Royal Victoria hospital in Belfast and told conference of the challenges she sees her colleagues and patients facing.

“Operations are being cancelled,” she said. “People are dying before they can be treated.”

And there are problems all public sector workers face:

Dr Helen Pankhurst addresses UNISON women’s conference

The great-granddaughter of Emmeline Pankhurst and granddaughter of Sylvia Pankhurst spoke of the ‘feminist moment’ we are having today, when she spioke at UNISON’s biggest ever women’s conference.

Dr Helen Pankhurst told the conference in Liverpool: “2018 seems potentially as symbolically important as 1918… If we can change social norms and change legislation when it’s needed, that is when the magic happens.”

Dr Pankhurst has just written a book entitled Deeds Not Words.

Speaking at the annual women’s conference in Liverpool today (Friday), UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “In recent months a lid has been lifted on a sordid and seedy world, one we hoped we’d left behind. A world where rich and powerful men see women as objects, play things, and pawns in their quest for control.

Density will create power, says Margaret McKee, and help build a world where all people are treated with respect

“Our strength as a union comes from you, our members and our activists” and we need to “build up our density and strengthen our power.

That was the rallying call to delegates at UNISON’s Black members’ conference from president Margaret McKee, speaking in Liverpool this morning.

Building the union was essential, she said, because of “the challenges we face from the Westminster government … a government determined to undermine working people”.

UNISON have joined the ICTU campaign to sign a petition to protect jobs at Bombardier. 

It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we write to tell you that UNISON Assistant General Secretary, Cliff Williams, lost his long batttle with Cancer on Friday. Cliff was a good friend to UNISON Northern Ireland and supported us through many of our challenges.

Cliff was a giant in the trade union and labour movement and was the current chair of the North West regional Labour Party and a former chair of the North West TUC, but most of all he was a thoroughly decent person, working tirelessly for our members and our union.
