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Lead Negotiator Anne Speed for health trade union UNISON, has today written to the Department of Health asking when health staff in Northern Ireland can expect a response from the Minister on a pay uplift."

We are seeking details and confirmation that funding will flow from the Barnett formula. However, this will not include social care, a perennial problem that has to be addressed."

She added,

Government’s treatment of NHS staff is disgraceful, says UNISON

The government has led NHS workers a merry dance and ministers should hang their heads in shame at such disgraceful treatment (Wednesday), says UNISON.  

Despite a widespread expectation that the long-awaited pay announcement would happen today, ministers have cruelly dashed the hopes of thousands of exhausted and dedicated health workers, the union added.  

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “The government has behaved disgracefully towards NHS staff.  

All eyes on the PM to give health staff a decent pay rise, says UNISON

Thousands of health workers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be looking to the Prime Minister to announce his decision on the long-awaited NHS pay rise in the coming days, says UNISON today (Wednesday).

Ministers have repeatedly said they will await the recommendations of the NHS pay review body (on which they have attempted to set a 1% limit) before making an announcement on the wage rise health workers have been due since the start of April.

UNISON response to Health Minister’s statement on an Elective Care Framework

UNISON’s Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed has acknowledged the Health Minister’s statement on the waiting time figures and renewed focus on a framework for elective care.

Speaking from the UNISON UK policy conference she said “As the largest Health union we agree with him that the figures are shocking. These waiting times are the worst in the UK.

We have faced down Covid and now we must get to grips with the impact on all those now urgently needing treatment and care.

Fair Pay for Education Workers

UNISON, alongside other unions representing 750,000 council and school support staff across England, Wales and Northern Ireland have criticised the 1.5% pay offer made by the Local Government Association.

UNISON, along with other unions, submitted a joint pay claim to the local government employers in February for a 10% pay rise. This would be payable from 1 April 2021.

Our joint claim represents a decent wage rise that’s both necessary to put a stop to poverty pay in local government and schools, and recognises the crucial role played by staff during the pandemic.

Violence in the Holy Land - Church Statements

Moves by Israel to ethnically cleanse the Sheikh Jarrah district of East Jerusalem of its Palestinian residents to make way for extremist Jewish Settlers has led to violence around the Al Aqsa mosque and in Gaza and Israel. You will have probably seen images on broadcast and printed media of the suppression of Palestinian demonstrations by armed Israeli police and of rocket fire and arial bombardment of civilian areas.

I wish to draw your attention to a number of church statements about this distressing situation in which people are being killed and injured.
