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UNISON Calls on South Eastern Health Trust to Halt Plans for Emergency Department ‘Phone First’ Service at Lagan Valley Hospital

UNISON, the largest trade union representing healthcare workers in Northern Ireland, can reveal that the South Eastern Health Trust is planning to introduce a ‘Phone First’ system in early October for patients to access A&E services at Lagan Valley Hospital in Lisburn. UNISON is calling on the South Eastern Trust to halt its plans to introduce a ‘Phone First’ system.


UNISON NI has written to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Assembly Education Committee, insisting the concerns of the 37,000 support workers in Education have to be heard.

School restart in the latest Covid surge has raised many challenges for our members. We are raising these issues at schools and with the Education Authority.

We are expecting revised guidance from the Department and there is no doubt that there will be have to a review to identify what the actual needs of schools and the workforce are.

We will post updates as soon as we have further information.


Following the Joint Trade Unions meeting with the Health Minister today, UNISON will now carefully monitor the response from the Northern Ireland Executive to the Health Minister's request for funding to award a pay uplift.  Their pay is now in the hands of our politicians.

Maternity Action Webinars - COVID-19 Jab: Effects on Pregnancy, Maternity and Fertility

Are you pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding? Have you got questions about getting a COVID-19 vaccination? Then this is the webinar for you. Maternity Action, NHS London, Public Health England and Greater London Authority hosted this online Q+A session with an expert panel including midwives, doctors and fertility specialists.

Watch the webinar here.

Free Public Transport for Healthcare Workers ending 31/08/2021

Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon has confirmed that the temporary scheme to provide free travel for health care staff on public transport services will be extended to 31 August 2021 after which time normal charging will resume.

Please click on the following link below for further information on the Ministers statement
Minister confirms extension of free public transport for healthcare workers scheme to 31 August 2021

UNISON’s nursing ‘survival guide’

Nursing is a rewarding, exciting career that can take you on many different paths and bring you many new opportunities.

You will also undoubtedly face challenges in your nursing role. UNISON knows that health and care services are under more pressure than ever before and that providing high quality patient care is often tough.

That’s why we have created our brand new online nursing ‘survival guide’. It’s full of helpful advice and top tips for members on how to thrive in your first registered nursing role.

It includes guidance on things like:


UNISON General Secretary Christina McAnea has urged the Prime Minister to make funding available for school and council workers in Northern Ireland, England and Wales, who educate children and keep communities safe and clean, to have the pay rise they deserve. 

In a letter to Boris Johnson on the eve of a meeting Today (July 27th) Christina McAnea wrote:


Northern Ireland Trade Unions in Health have met today, Thursday 22nd July, to consider the pay offer emanating from the Westminster government of 3% to Agenda for Change staff in the National Health Service in England.

All the Trade Unions expressed their disgust as this derisory offer falls well below the expectations of members who have delivered health services to all during the last very difficult eighteen months.
