UNISON Northern Ireland has launched a major consultation with our members working in the HSC.
Thousands of health staff are receiving either an email or postal communication seeking members views on key issues.
First on the list is the issue of pay. UNISON across the UK has already rejected the 3% PRBs recommendation, currently the only uplift health workers will receive for the 2021-2022 pay uplift due since last April. UNISON campaigned on a ONE Team 2k demand.
UNISON members will be giving us their views on unfinished business and how we organise to win a better future deal.
Pay is not the only issue UNISON will press forward on. Safe staffing and the crippling spend on agency use were key issues in the 2019 dispute. Thousands of workers took industrial action to demand the workforce vacancies be tackled and elimination of the misuse of public money on private agencies. We have no doubt they will tell us they are prepared to do so again.
Covid has overshadowed everything but health workers have stepped up and gone beyond the call of duty.
Their patience is running out.
A health pay summit to be convened by the NI Minister in January 2022 will provide an opportunity to deliver the strong messages we expect members to send in their replies to this consultation.
The UNISON NI consultation closes on January 14th 2022.