UNISON Northern Ireland

Update for UNISON members working in schools

Dear Members 

UNISON has received an initial briefing alongside teaching unions, from the Education Minister and Department officials on the transition to school closure from next week.

Their plans appear to be at an early stage and are not developed to any great detail.

They have therefore advised that school staff are expected to attend at their place of work on Monday.

Developments of plans from there will be influenced by the following:

A request from the Department of Health to assist with childcare of school age children of essential health and social care workers.

UNISONS position is that responsibility to assist with this must be shared between teaching and support service staff.

This ask will expand as the Covit 19 crisis surges over the next few weeks.

There is also  a commitment to provide free school meals to children who are in need of same.

All of this will require careful planning and development but as the health challenge is fast moving updates will have to be provided on a regular basis.

We are awaiting further information from the Department of Education and the Education Authority.

We will update you as soon as we are in a position to do so.

In the meantime we are advised that temporary workers remaining in post will suffer no pay detriment.

Redundancies are suspended.

Grievances  and disciplinary hearings are also suspended.

We are pursuing answers to a number of questions to  employment terms and condition  issues and will update you all asap.


Anne Speed

Head of Bargaining and Representation