UNISON Northern Ireland

UNISON NI Nursing Roadshow

UNISON NI Nursing Roadshow

UNISON NI Nurses Forum today announced a wide consultation with its nursing family membership and launched the UNISON Nursing Family Roadshow.

In response to ever increasing pressures on nurses, "our members are growing more and more frustrated with the ever increasing shortages in staff levels” said Alan Philson, Co Chair of the UNISON NI Nurses Forum. 

“Patient safety is being called into question on a regular basis  and members are reporting their own health problems with increasing stress levels." 

The UNISON NI Nurses Forum Roadshow is visiting as many sites as possible over the next numbers of weeks where nurses are coping with incredible strains.  We want to listen to their evidence and confirm their view that the system  has failed those on whom we rely on to deliver good quality nursing care. 

Upcoming venues include RVH from 8 – 10 May, Craigavon Hospital on 10th May, New Omagh Hospital on 13th May, SWAH on 14th May, Daisy Hill on 16th May and the Uster Hospital and Lagan Valley on 6th June. 

We already know our nursing family members along with thousands of others in our health and social care system feel undervalued and know they are underpaid.  We have fallen behind levels of pay across the rest of the UK in the NHS.

Our members will be sending messages to the politicians discussing a return to powersharing devolved government that they must include in any agreements the release of funding to deliver the just pay award our health staff deserve.

For comment, please contact Alan Philson on 07703513555 or 02871 860616 (ext. 217708)

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