UNISON believes only a significant rise will help protect services and enable staff to weather the growing cost of living pressures following a decade of local authority cuts and pay restraint.
The 2022 claim, which would apply from the start of April, would see council employees receive either a £2,000 rise at all pay grades or the current rate of RPI (presently 11%), whichever is higher for each individual.
This would lift all council and school employees back above the real living wage.
The squeeze on household budgets has a pronounced effect on council workers, many of whom are in low-paid roles and are currently paid little more than the minimum wage.
As well as dealing with increased workloads because of austerity cuts, staff have been further stretched by the challenges of the pandemic and spiralling day-to-day costs, the three say.
In the meantime, UNISON in Northern Ireland is pressing ahead on a promised pay and grading review for our Education members in the EA. The absence of an Executive will make the release of funding to support beneficial adjustment to the NJC pay spine more difficult, but we are determined to press on.
UNISON Education workers will be bringing a strong message on our pay demands to the Costing of Living Crisis protest at Stormont on Saturday June 25th .