UNISON Northern Ireland


UNISON has a long and proud tradition of standing up for equality and human rights and against prejudice, bigotry and discrimination. 

UNISON members and their families from other parts of the world and those who have been born and bred here but have a different skin colour or ethnic background are facing racism and hate crime.

Workers who have been invited here to help with public sector staffing crises in areas such as social care and nursing in particular have been targeted by racists and bigots and put in harm’s way.

Those who have fled here seeking refuge and asylum from war, famine and oppression are being targeted.

We will not tolerate it. We are currently supporting members who have been forced to flee their homes, who are fearful of going to work or even leaving their homes.

This is a clear call to any UNISON member who is being affected by racism, bigotry or hate to contact the union.

If you need support, please contact your local rep and your branch in the first instance.

A list of branch contacts can be found here - https://branches.unison.org.uk/, or on the UNISON NI website - https://www.unison-ni.org.uk/branches

Or contact the Regional Centre directly - 02890270190 - unisonnorthernireland@unison.co.uk   

We have been confronting just such issues over the past 30 years but in recent weeks the hate speech, lies and fake claims of the far right and the prejudiced have put some of our members directly at risk.

We are working with the wider trade union movement, employers and our allies across civic society to protect our members from harm and challenge racism.

We congratulate the communities that have stood up against the bigots and racists. We stand with them.

We require government, the police and criminal justice system, local authorities, and all parts of the public service to work together in a coordinated response. No buck passing – our members cannot fall through the cracks.

All political parties must stand against the bigots and racist. There is no room for excuses.

Trade unions cannot do this alone. We are calling on everyone in this society to stand up for equality and human rights. If we do not, the fascism that is on the rise across Europe will take hold here.