On 17th November, Health Minister Robin Swann visited the newly opened Nightingale facility at Whiteabbey Hospital. Greeting him with a letter on his visit, UNISON rep and Trade Union Side Chair Stephanie Greenwood highlighted issues concerning staff including safe staffing and testing.
In the letter Stephanie said:
“We hope the Nightingale Rehab is successful. There has been a serious effort at partnership working to deliver the project. However, the workforce levels/ safe staffing levels need to be robustly implemented and beds should only be opened when these are in place.
There needs to be sustained and regular testing for all social care staff as the spread of the infection is declared to be community based. This should include domiciliary care staff that are in and out of elderly clients homes on a daily basis.
Finally Minster we know you have an understanding of how tired our staff our members are as that pressure reaches all the way to your office door.
What better way to show appreciation than to add your voice and the Executives voice to the UK wide call on the UK government to bring forward a pay uplift for our dedicated health workers”.