UNISON Northern Ireland

Notice for members in the Health Service on Agenda for Change pay terms and conditions

Dear Members 

We are aware that members are anxious to be fully informed on the content and detail in the proposed framework agreement on pay parity and safe staffing.

The negotiating team agreed following the endorsement by the Minister that we would ensure all figures and detail in the proposal are verified with the Department of Health and over the last few days we have been working on doing just that. So if any of you have seen figures recently distributed these are NOT officially verified.

The Department of Health have agreed to host an interactive page on their web site when staff members can follow their individual pay journey over the course of the 3 year Agenda for change pay refresh. This will be available as soon as all figures are verified.

UNISON is working closely to prepare a consultation document with facts figures and details We are doing this jointly with those unions preparing an official secret ballot of all members of each of these unions including RCN, RCM, UNITE, CSP and SOR. You will have a copy of this consultation document either by email or post early next week. You will then receive a ballot paper where you can register your vote. UNISON representatives will be available to you through your branch structures to handle any queries you may have.

On the issues raised in our safe staffing challenge to employers in nursing, social care and support services including clerical and administration - the framework document charts a pathway for intensive engagement in each of these sectors to a resolution of the most immediate and more medium and long terms steps to be taken. It is not a final agreement on all matters nor is it a complete resolution of the complex problems that exist across the service.

It is a beginning.

To those members, in particular in clerical and administration, we are aware there have been attempts to suggest that you have been or will be left behind. This is misleading and unjustifiably causes concern among these staff.

IN ALL OF THE DISCUSSIONS at the DOH in the period leading up to the dispute, the high number of posts being filled on a temporary or agency basis was highlighted. This will be a key issue and one of the first priorities to be addressed in the forthcoming discussions to implement the commitments in the framework document.


Regional office e-mail: unisonnorthernireland@unison.co.uk