UNISON Northern Ireland

KAIROS IRELAND - Countering the normalisation of the Israeli occupation in the eyes of the world

Event Date: 
14 Sep 2019 - 10:00 to 14:00

Kairos Ireland workshop on the Palestinian situation

The geo-politics of the Middle East has changed substantially in the past 10 years and the region is
in greater turmoil with unresolved wars in Syria and the Yemen. The spotlight has gone off the
Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of the Gaza Strip. The much-hoped peace
process collapsed some time ago leaving the Palestinian people in despair. While the United States
has pulled back its military troop presence, it has delivered more than $134 billion in this decade
to Israel in military and economic aid, despite Israel’s small population and high standard of living.
Yet under the Trump Presidency it has cut aid to UNWRA and the Palestinian Authority. The Arab
world is split through opposing Saudi Arabian and Iranian alliances although the Arab League
position of 2002 seems to remain in place. This called for the full withdrawal by Israel "to the 1967
borders" in return for fully normalized relations.

Ireland continues to live in hope of a two-state solution but every day sees continued Jewish
Israeli encroachment on Palestinian land that destroys olive trees and diminishes the viability of a
contiguous Palestinian state. Does that mean we are looking at a one-state reality? What would
that look like and would it be a disaster for Palestinians? Has Ireland at official level backed off its
traditional support for Palestine because of external economic pressures? With all the world issues
facing us today, what is it about the Palestinian situation that connects us in Ireland to support the
non-violent efforts of Palestinians?

Download the event information here

Event Location: 
Luther House, Adelaide Road, Dublin