UNISON Northern Ireland


Critical and Intensive Care - Staffing Pressures.

UNISON along with other health unions is currently engaging with Health Trusts and The Department of Health on a number of critical issues.

Staffing pressure which are causing real challenges in the delivery of intensive care covid and non covid related across the acute sector.

Employers are working to respond to the growing crisis by seeking voluntary response from staff.

However nursing staff may soon be faced with  directed assignments outside of their normal duties.

Both unions and employers are working to avoid any such developments but this may be very difficult as the covid surge  accelerates.

We will update our response and advice as the situation unfolds.


UNISON along with other health unions has raised a number of questions and challenges around the vaccine rollout programme and the shift in UK C<MOs policy in application.

We expect to issue a common statement as soon as we receive the clarifications we have requested.