UNISON Causeway Branch is holding a public meeting on Tuesday 2nd May 2023 in The Lodge Hotel, Coleraine at 7.00pm to demonstrate their opposition to the Northern Trust’s decision to move all births from the Causeway Hospital in Coleraine to Antrim Area Hospital. Speaking on this decision, UNISON Branch Secretary Kim Hall has said “we are really concerned about the impact this will have on our community. It is a very worrying time for local people and for our members. The Trust needs to listen to what we have to say and address the concerns the public have about the move from Causeway Hospital to Antrim Area Hospital.”
UNISON Regional Secretary Patricia McKeown, who will address the public meeting, has said “We have been voicing our concerns about the staffing problems in Causeway Hospital for years. When the Health and Social Care Board warned of the threats to maternity services at the hospital in 2012 we made it clear that simply transferring services from one site to another will not solve any of the serious problems within the Trust that have been caused as a direct consequence of a lack in investment and the Trust’s repeated failure to address the problems at hand”. Trust officials have also been invited to attend the meeting.