Within the last 24 hours UNISON has been advised by Health and Social Care Trusts of a regional alert in relation to PPE Fit testing carried out for Trusts by an external company. We have been advised that some staff may have received a positive Fit test when in actual fact under HSE standards this may not have been the case. Commenting on this, UNISON Regional Secretary Patricia McKeown said:
‘‘Over the last period UNISON was already engaged with both the Western HSC Trust and Belfast HSC Trust raising concerns around PPE Fit Testing. We are alarmed to have been alerted over the last 24 hours that concerns of this nature may extend across the wider health service.
We called for an urgent meeting with the Department of Health today and are demanding answers around the numbers of staff affected who will need to be retested. We are demanding assurances that where such retesting is necessary it will occur without delay.
If our members have concerns they should raise them with their line manager and health and safety departments. UNISON representatives will be able to offer advice and support. The health and safety of workers must be of paramount importance. The Department of Health and Trusts need to move swiftly to both resolve these issues and ensure these problems cannot occur again.’’