Commenting today (1st April) as UNISON members across all HSC Trusts join with NHS staff across the UK in calling for a decent pay rise as part of the Put Pay Right campaign, UNISON Northern Ireland Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed said:
“UNISON members rights across Northern Ireland are delivering a clear message today that it’s time that Government put pay right for hard-working health and social care staff.
Inflation is at record levels and the cost of living is continuing to rise steeply, putting our members under increasing pressure to put food on the table, heat their homes and fill up their cars. More and more health and social care workers are seriously questioning their futures within the NHS. The proposal by the UK Government of a 3% rise in pay, well below the rate of inflation, is completely inadequate to deal with these challenges.
Government at Westminster needs to move swiftly to deliver an inflation-busting pay award that focuses on retaining staff who have given so much in responding to the pandemic.
In Northern Ireland, we are calling on all political parties and candidates to commit to Put Pay Right in a new Executive. We need a collective effort from all the parties to secure the funding needed from Westminster for a pay rise in Northern Ireland that deals with the cost of living crisis and retains the workforce.
Now is the time for all parties to show health and social care workers they are truly valued and will not be taken for granted’’