Teachers strike - 21st February - Guidance for UNISON members working in Education
UNISON have been informed of the strike by a number of teaching unions on Tuesday 21st February for a half day.
UNISON members and all support services staff in schools are not involved in the teachers' dispute and are required to attend work unless told otherwise by the school principal.
Our UNISON Health members on strike that day will be joining with teachers at early morning local rallies and in Belfast .
You can show your solidarity with your Teacher colleagues by attending a picket line or rally in your local area in your own time, i.e. before you are due to start work, after work or on during your scheduled breaks.
UNISON members should not undertake any duties normally assigned to those staff on strike action. The Education Authority has issued guidance to all school Principals reminding them that it is not appropriate to expect staff to undertake any duties normally assigned to those teaching staff on strike
If you have concerns about arrangements in your school/ workplace please contact your local UNISON branch for advice.
UNISON extends it’s solidarity to striking teachers and wish them success in their demand for fair pay.