UNISON Northern Ireland

Pay Justice Now

UNISON rally at Belfast City Hall

UNISON Northern ​Ireland have joined with other health unions in sending a strong message to Secretary of State Chris Heaton Harris demanding pay justice.


We said “Health staff in Northern Ireland are, of course, now fully aware that the 2023-2024 pay uplift has been implemented in England and Wales. They are expecting you to use your economic governance authority, as demonstrated in the recent budget allocation you implemented for the current financial year, to address and resolve their outstanding pay claim."


Plans are now prepared across UNISON NI to launch another round of full strike action. Workplace and branch reps will be speaking to members in a wide range of health workplaces to discuss with shop stewards how members can be involved.


We expect our members to be back on the picket lines in the 3rd week of September and the message going out from now is GET READY FOR ACTION!