Next steps
Dear Members,
Your Industrial Action committees in Health and Education will meet in the week commencing Monday January 29th. They will take stock of developments to date and plan the next steps in our campaigns to achieve pay justice.
We are determined to fight on. We will not be backing down.
In the meantime, we are awaiting developments this week as to the intentions of the Secretary of State, who we are told will be setting out his intentions. The question is, will he end the pay deadlock? If so, we all know the funding won't be enough, and we will need an Industrial Action strategy around that fact. There are no signs of a break in the political deadlock.
There is a clear, objective need to maintain the broadest possible unity and cohesion on campaigning and industrial action to secure the release of funding to comprehensively settle all pay disputes. No one sector in public services can go it alone.
Please stay in touch with your branch leaders and shop stewards and encourage non-union staff to join UNISON. We need every worker to support this struggle for pay justice.
We will keep you all updated.
Anne Speed
Head of Bargaining at UNISON NI