UNISON Northern Ireland

NHS Pay 2022

Vote Yes for the NHS

The road to industrial action in the NHS in Northern Ireland

Let’s get people voting yes for the NHS! 

It’s time to take a stand for your pay, your colleagues and the NHS – every vote is needed. Voting to take industrial action is a big step. But it’s time to take it. The public supports you – and so do your colleagues and your union.

Your pay matters. If we can’t make the UK government think again, release funding for pay improvement for the whole NHS and secure direct negotiation with an NI executive, everyone loses- staff, patients and the NHS.

You can’t afford that. Make your vote count.

Vote YES for industrial action. Vote YES for the NHS

UNISON’s industrial action ballot in the NHS in NI opens on 27 October and closes on 18 November. Ballot papers will be sent by post to your home address.

If you haven’t received a ballot paper call our ballot helpline free on 0800 0 857 857. 

Our pay claim - Put NHS pay right

Our industrial action ballot is:

Trade dispute over a failure to meet UNISON’s demands for a meaningful pay rise and a package of additional retention measures for settlement of the 2022/2023 pay round for those covered by the NHS pay terms and conditions handbook (known as Agenda for Change).

Members will be asked to vote on two questions:

1. Are you prepared to take part in strike action?

2. Are you prepared to take part in industrial action short of a strike?

The Health Service Group recommend members vote YES to both questions.


Vote YES poster
Vote YES logo
Social Media Graphic Ballot