UNISON Northern Ireland

Learning Disability and Music Therapy

Event Date: 
17 Jun 2019 - 10:00 to 12:30

UNISON Belfast

Music therapy is widely recognised as a highly effective health intervention.  You don’t need to have any musical skills to benefit from music therapy. It’s not about being able to play an instrument or learning new musical skills. It’s about making a connection and enabling people to communicate.  The main outcomes of music therapy for adults with Learning, Developmental and Physical Disabilities are:  Communication Skills: improving verbal and non-verbal communication through singing, vocalising and instrumental play; Social skills: developing eye contact, turn-taking and interaction through shared music-making;  Cognitive skills: improving focus, shared attention and processing; Emotional needs: providing a supported and accessible outlet for feelings, developing self-expression and self-esteem;  Physical skills: developing movement and motor skills.  The workshop will be delivered by Everyday Harmony Music Therapy. 


This course is eligible for backfill funding for attendees who work in domiciliary/home care, day care or supported living in the private and community/voluntary sector under the Training for the Domiciliary Care Workforce Project administered by NISCC.  You must get approval from your employer in advance.